pyDash - v1.4.6
A small web-based monitoring dashboard for your linux pc/server writen in Python and Django + Chart.js.
The dashboard is built using only Python libraries available in the main Python distribution, trying to create a small list of dependencies without the need of installing many packages or libraries.
Current dependencies:
- >= Django 1.5
- >= Python 2.x
- >= Python 3.x
Django App
For the Django App please check here
Installing pyDash
pyDash settings
Remote data retrieval
pyDash remote data retrieval
OS Support
pyDash was tested and runs under the following OSs:
- Centos
- Fedora
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Raspbian
- Pidora
- Arch Linux
Might work under others, but didn't get to test any other OSs just yet.